Thursday, June 4, 2009

whole milk night

number one. don't judge me.
some people are alcoholics,
addicted to drugs,
do all sorts of thing to cope.
the world is full of vices
tonight i drink whole milk.
and just for the record,
going cheap and not going organic,
does taste different.
decent day at work...
i played the "significant other" role
at an end of the year party for a friend
then i saw my missed call from "michael mechanic"
the news was...
a. the same long list that the prior mechanic gave me
b. the reality that my car value is less than the amount it would take to fix my car
c. he mention that there's a slight chance it could start on fire.
my thoughts:
one. i'm grateful he's honest
two. i'm running her into the ground
three. it would be great if someone ran into me and she (civi) caught on fire
(likelihood...low. they're too conservative of drivers here)
four. i need to get a big bag in my car in case she does catch on fire
i could promptly remove my roof rack, which is of value,
and take of my license plates.
five. i should probably just start to take off my vin # now
six. maybe that vw bus should be in the plans 6 1/2 years earlier than expected
i raise my cup to you civi!


Annie said...

I was thinking about times I've traveled with you in Civic just the other day! good times! I'm sad to hear Civic isn't doing well, but I'm also all for the Bus! And as for whole milk, it's extra magical when it's chocolate...

Juli said...

No Civi, don't go!

Jaimie said...

ah great, and here I am visiting you, and there is the potential of us blowing up....



Leslie said...

Jessie dear, I need your address because you won one of my aprons. :)

Sparklebot said...

She's had a lot of good years. Remember rollin' around the grand canyon with me, Jeffy, and Petey, listening to the Beastie Boys?

Good times, Civi.