Tuesday, August 18, 2009

ward campout & back to bagby

what i learned this weekend: don't leave swimsuit in the backseat with boyfriend...what he learned this weekend:
all mos aren't as crazy and weird as he thought.
he survived a ward campout.
he may be dating a hippy (but i bath religiously- aka very often)


Danielle Merket said...

Interesting how you and Bob are the same cup size.....

jess said...

Rude. He had clementines... i mean LARGE oranges in that suit!

Kaye and Jared said...

Nice...I would be a little concerned about a guy who puts on a womans one piece swimsuit. fun campout!!

jess said...

Good thing it was a tankini!

HollyCate said...

that just gives me flashbacks to levi in the vi in my swimsuit...some things never go away

Sparklebot said...

1) All Mormons ARE weird.
2) I didn't know you were dating a NON. Fun, isn't it?