Saturday, June 30, 2007

not in the mood

i'm supposed to be typing a paper that was due yesterday for my summer institute class and quite frankly i'm not in the mood to do school in the summer.

i just want a break but the 1K + that I spent on the class is helping my motivation level.

i should be playing... like going on a full moon hike.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

be bear aware

so this slogan is posted throughout tetons ... i personally think "be beary aware" would be a little more cheesier and catchier but i obviously don't work for the park service anymore and gave up the flat hat and green and grey a few years ago.

my lil sis and i had a delightful time in jackson and the tetons this weekend. pictures will come soon. we learned there was a grizzly in our camping spot earlier in the morning as we were cooking our food... how convenient that info could have been if told earlier. we'll we didn't see one. the restless night's sleep was more of a sub conscience worry of the bear that was earlier in the amphitheater that we watched our elk night program. luckily jaimie and i had our orange glowsticks to thwart any bears to come even close to us. in singing our high school's fight song on the way back to camp in the dark and twirling our lil glow sticks, i'm sure any bear thought i'm not going to mess with them. maybe because bear doesn't like the taste of crazy people.

i, myself, said multiple prayers throughout the night but whatever the reason, we were safe.

and for the record... i learned that last year when a bear followed elba and i around surprise lake in the tetons (b/c we had our lunch in our hands), we did the CORRECT thing by not dropping our food or running. i read in the nps newspaper that we did everything right, so there mom. by watching yogi the bear was completely educational in my childhood.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

we love our spurs!

living in texas made me a spurs fan and people wonder why?

why go to a jazz vs. spurs game and dress in black and gray with my cowgirl hat & boots?

because they're an amazing team...
and they win...
and i maybe a fair weather fan with somethings...
but not for the spurs.
even if i only saw one full game
(since ram was able to get us sweet tickets)
and i normally just show up for the 4th quarter to watch
and didn't see but maybe one game before the final four
but they won!!!
and who can't love timmy, tony, and manu?

cheers! cheers!

pony haven

there are little joys in life that just bring a smile to your face

this is one of mine that i had to quickly make a mad dash through side roads to strategically get behind this truck

it reminds me of yet another reason why i must probably break down and buy a digital camera b/c i doubt holly knows i've been borrowing hers more frequently lately

there's precious jewels all around to take a quick photo of and put a smile on my face and hopefully yours as well.

if things don't work out after my masters i can maybe see if there's any positions driving ponies around... they must brighten children's lives

i know i would have love and would love anyone who would drop a pony off at my house

it would be true pony haven

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

yo hablo espanol

where is this guide when i need it?

well i'm trying to learn it at least. so i am leaving for mexico on july 5th and in effort to prepare for my study abroad i've been listening to Spanish music this whole month. i'm devoted on my commute to happy valley to permeate my mind with Espanol. yesterday i went to the city library on 4th (which is so beautiful) and checked out some intermediate Spanish audio cds. i think someone would have a good laugh hearing me repeat aloud things in Spanish but i've decided not to look at anyone while concentrating so hard at stop lights to my cds. what would even be more of laugh is the sheer happiness and satisfied looked i probably get (i say this because i feel it on my face) when i translate a phrase correctly before they tell me the right answer on the cd. the lil' joys of life.