Sunday, September 9, 2007


domestic violence victim: i just fell down the stairs...

or do i look like a little kid that was trying to show off on their bike?
oh wait i already have a scar on my thumb from that.

well the last response is close... i went longboarding friday night up at the "U" with tyler and cody
so you could basically call me a beginner at long boarding... i do well on flat roads and can even go a little up the hill in sugar house, but the "moderate" level left it's imprints on me.

i fell within the first two minutes as we left tyler's car. the first fall wasn't that bad, so i proceeded with excellent slowing techniques from tyler. i was doing fine, crossed the bridge and was in a seemingly open non hazardous parking lot carving fine when i met a sunken circular sewage hole that i didn't see.

cody and tyler ran to my aid after the big fall, they obviously are wilderness trained for jobs they do, they laid me flat on the ground. cody held my head with my hands, etc.

i was completely humiliated.

i convinced them to ride the rest of the way to go get my car so i could pace the parking lot and cry on my own.

they returned with my car, checking my pupils to make sure they weren't dialated, gave me the vision test to make sure i could follow the moving finger in front of my face.

i passed all with flying colors.

the rest of the evening was filled with ice packs, crying as i washed my wounds, and another heavy cry session after they left. they were wonderful, i felt like an idiot.

lessons learned: be careful who you go on dates with, oh wait i wasn't a dv victim...

wear a helmet and get insurance when you were supposed to sign up in the past few weeks... just in case.


Beau, Amanda, Gracie, and Evie said...

ORRR you could learn how to ride a long board...either way any of those options work. You look like someone beat the crap out of you. Stay out of the DV relationships they aren't worth it. Oh and remember I am the boss of you. I am glad you are alright. Loves

Kirsten said...

Jess...that looks brutal! Those scars could make some good stories. We miss you :( sniff sniff

Darby said...

That is quite the shiner. At least you got a good story out of it to tell the grandkids.

Side of Jeffrey said...

I have never understood how people get their eyes all smashed up while leaving their noses relatively unscathed...the nose sticks out!!! how does it escape damage????

Juli said...

I hope you are healing because your photos remind me of the Garbage Pail Kids. Please post a new photo when healed.
:) love you muches,

Sparklebot said...

um. Ow.

Kirsten said...

ummmmm...first of never leave me messages on my blog :( Secondly, I left you and Maryanne both a message in your mailbox at school--did you get it?