Sunday, June 21, 2009

a slightly colder coast to the favorite

so my friend, dave, was kind enough to let the favorite and i go sea kayakingto those who may or may not know,
the favorite was a prior marine biology major
so it only seemed appropriate
to reconnect her near where "free willy" was housedwe saw some seals that were curious of us
(can you see it's head bobbing?)
and stayed far enough away from the momma and babydave's brother with a fish he caught... impressiveme posing
brother shot... chacos ready for all occasions...
even with a wet suit on
we loved this sign!
and where there is crab, you're going to find
a member of our family nearby and happy
but the fresh crab we got after the restaurant was much better.
we're just not patient enough
and we didn't have bibs like this


Jaimie said...

good times...and you didn't tell me this was where free willy was at?!?! Well shewwwt! I kinda remember him saying something about that though. So, would you judge me if I just put this link to my blog? You put it so well...

Kaye and Jared said...

I love all your adventures!! Seriously makes me jealous!!

Will & Cheyenne said...

That sign is too funny! That looks like so much fun. S-U-R-E you have a job and work full time!