Wednesday, September 8, 2010


after over 8 years of social service jobs
years and years of schooling

believe me if some policy
that is supposed to help the people
you're going to hear from me
especially government systems

lucky for me i'm financially stable
others aren't so lucky
so although my issue
may not get resolved
i'll be advocating for those after me

i think the person i called backed
to ask who i needed to contact
about policies and process
what taken a little off-guard
he stumbled with...
good question...
let's look on the website
i assured him that i was not going to
complain about him
but about the process
and unclear expectations

he went into some ramble about
how as a citizen i have such rights...
blah blah blah...
which i'm grateful for
don't get me wrong

but i got a flashback of working with
individuals with low-income
and at times with refugee and immigrant status
and it all came back
for what's right and equitable

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