Thursday, October 9, 2008

tagged, i'm, you're it. no touchbacks

so i've seen this on other peoples' site and then i found i got tagged by juli & mindee so...

1. link the person who tagged you
2. post the rules
3. tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them

1*tweezers... i don't wear makeup but i am religious about plucking my eyebrows. if you're family i'll also inform you you need some time with a good light and a mirror to touch up some areas if no one else will talk about the subject.

2*i'm prideful about my belly button, i think it is cuter than pretty much everyone.

3*if i'm nervous (especially when dating, early on) i have to go to the bathroom more frequently. weird i know. i once had a guy i was dating think i had a bladder infection or something but liquids seem to fill up my bladder when dating. this is embarrassing at times. also i seem to have a descriptive word or phrase i seem to repeat when speaking to the opposite sex that i may be interested in. i can even catch myself saying it but can't stop. my last boyfriend informed me that i wouldn't stop saying "intriguing." also embarrassing.

4*i want to jump a train but i'm too chicken to do it so far. when i see a train roll by i think of hopping on but then i'm afraid of dismounting off into sharp rocks or grabbing on and having my arm get pulled out of the socket. while being a missionary, my friend wendy and i often spoke about jumping a train in texas but were afraid of where we might end up and how we'd have to explain ourselves.

5*i can be a recycling nazi at times. like leaving my recyclables in my car until i'm in a town that adequately recycles or driving friends crazy about their need to be more devoted to recycling.

6*i will shake my fist or open my door and spit at places that i have ill feelings/memories associated with. there is really only two main areas i do this at currently and i've been trying to be more of an adult and more feminine by just shaking my fist.

there's probably more but this is what i came up with tonight.

i therefore tag a. anyone who wants to post a quirk or two about themselves to this post. i think this is funny and random. b. i also tag danielle, dezi, smash, jaimie, ram & dainon (& anyone else who secretly wants to share quirks and then say i tagged them). i don't think i've seen any tagging done on the ones i've specificially asked to share some deep darks with the world.


Robin said...

I had no idea you were moving!!! Wish we would have spent more time hanging out and met up for that lunch we all kept talking about. I'm so excited for you being in Oregon though! I love new adventures! Where in Oregon are you going to be living?

Juli said...

Just one question: have you seen my belly button? Also, Dirty Dave spells his name Cabanilla.

Dezi & Brock said...

Hahaha, I tagged you way back on October 1st! I already did it!! And is one of the two places you spit on Chinle??! Cuz I'll totally bag the lady-ness and spit all over that place... BAD memories, BAD BAD BAD karma there...