Wednesday, November 18, 2009

cheers to nyquil

after a monday night full of coughing
and a lack of sleep
last night's dose of nyquil
was heaven sent
i successfully almost slept till 11 a.m. this morning

no i don't have the swine flu
and yes i've heard of the swine flu
even without owning tv

i 've been on the edge of being sick
and i think working two 14-15 hours days
last thursday and friday
sentenced me to being sick at home for the weekend

monday and tuesday
i've been in portland town for work
it never ceases to be a magical town with bridges
that frame it very picturesque

but today i'm resting...
with maybe a bit of work in the middle.
i need to shake this thing!

the worst part has been missing un-rainy days
saturday was nice
and today is sunny
that's what drives me crazy the most
by this weekend
i must be over this

chewy simply oj
puffs plus with lotion
and the new john mayer album
should help

a review on the album to come


Maggie said...

Get feeling better, love you. Also the date is Dec 21, in Phx.

Leslie said...

ah NyQuil. It was only good the first time. I can't get the same results anymore. :)